
man.She's gone whole thong,Th± s'11
I left the motel and* go?t on a bus tcrp^oyher city.Thd room was still amess-when I ^ ^W-.-yr-.anything about*
it.I got my typewruter -out of it’s ca.§g[afrk~ ting
atttut’ v/hat happened last night.11' was diffi~T7|'f1 y# miiiqte a-bout,b.ut eventually,it cams out.Even thoughX didn1 t want to,
I stlrtedj tb mile a poem about what it would be like to be
eventually forgo t about vhn \ thougTT"^- dea' t thonk
bo.n.I was never very good at handling good-byes,even ones like this.I haven1t had enough practice at these things.
I sat in my chair and watched her walk away in the darkness. I was nowhere again.I was; in this small room looking at dark pictures: of rivers and bowls of fruit that are in all crummy motel^i liked the room enough,but I didn't really appreciate what had yust happened in it.Now,I had to clean up the mess tj/ta she made.I thoguht I gave that, up a long time ago..Now,twelve years: later,!fm still doing it.She makes me nsd.Whenever I see her.,I clennch my fists and almost am ready to. fight.But somehow,I can't resist her,and she knows it too
I'm surprised nothing* did happen between ps tonight.She cortaintly knows how to. dress right for a now,and I might as well forget about this.
probably happen again soon,but by then,I ’ Xl have forgotten, a-^ bout this.
Today,after I got up at twelve thirty in the afertnoon,
/ • "*^T^----
on a bus taganoyher city.T
rte a-want to., to be' good
3laving the piano on and amnlificrs while_crowds
saying. The it
.honk it's.tha t stll ijt6ayj^*~5~*lupg tlme, so^I1 m
proud\oif iIt.I usually |111^ one every-.....
time I Ji^ar another 1 i ke jtiThat1 s Jpretty mwmdmt I
tSainkvit happens to everyone,wti^k, they're talented1 or not.
- Author
- mark thomas